Spine Disorders
INTRODUCTION A neck or back sprain/strain can result from a fall, a
sudden twist, lifting, vehicular trauma, an athletic event or a blow to the spine.
This can result in injury and inflammation involving one or more of the
supporting elements of the spine. This includes muscles, tendons and/or
ligaments. A sprain is usually referred to stretching or tearing of ligaments.
Ligaments represent tough bands of specialized tissue that connect one bone to
another. Ligaments of the spine
help to stabilize spinal segments, thus preventing excessive motion between
vertebrae. A strain usually refers to stretching or tearing of muscle. This
often occurs as the result of rapid stretching of muscle and/or with forceful
contraction of muscle in response to an injury. Overuse of muscles can lead to
cumulative compromise and inflammation, a condition sometimes referred to as a
chronic strain. |