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Information Prescription Forms

A majority of patients go to the internet to research their medical conditions, including spinecare and related disorders. This is a growing trend and one that will continue to influence the practice of medicine and all areas of spinecare. It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to help their patients' access accurate information online.

All members of the American Academy of Spine Physicians (AASP) are entitled to FREE membership with the International Spine Association (ISA). This authorizes them to complete a full page profile on the International Directory of Spinecare Professionals.  Members also can download personalized spinecare information script forms which can be used to direct patients to an online ISA multimedia database for "need-to-know" information about the spine, spine disorders and recommended spinecare. All of this can be accessed on the AASP Member Dashboard.

Each script format provides a list of educational headings and categories, each with a check box next to them. The forms are designed for use by the healthcare provider. The attending spinecare provider simply marks the relevant box next to the topic they want their patient to learn about. The script is to be given to the patient. The script form provides direction to the online information about the spine disorder and/or other spinecare category. It directs the patient to the online Public Information Center (PIC) of the International Spine Association (ISA) so that they can learn more about their spine and other topics of their physician's choice.

The online PIC represents a large multimedia database of "need-to-know" information about the spine, spine disorders and available spinecare. The content of the PIC is managed by the International Spine Association (ISA).  The AASP is one of the content providers for the ISA. The following script forms are available:

Information Prescription Forms
( Click Script Pad to View )

Educational Partners


To learn more about your spine. spinehealth, and available spinecare go to the International Spine Assocition (ISA) at The primary mission of the ISA is to improve spinehealth and spinecare through education. The ISA is committed to disseminating need-to-know information throught the World Wide Web in numerous languages covering many topics related to the spine, including information about spine disorders, spine heath, advances in technology and available spinecare

All health information posted on the site is based on the latest research and national treatment standards, and have been written or reviewed and appoved by the American Acedemy of Spine Physicians and/or International Spine Association physicians or health professionals unless otherwise specified.

The information provided on this site is designed to support. not replace,
the relationship that exists between patient/site visitor and his/her physician.